



Heating area 1,000 - 2,500 Ft2
Size 28 3/4" W X 42 1/2" D X 41 3/4" H
Maximum log length 21"
Average particulate emissions rate (1) 0.095 lb/mmBTU (0.041 g/MJ)

Maximum recommended heating area by climate zone Consult our map

From USD $5,149.00* MSRP

*The MSRP price refers to the wood furnace configuration including the blower. Consult your dealer for a price that includes more options. Taxes, freight, installation and ducts not included.

  • Description
  • Options/Accessories
  • Specs/Manual
  • Maintenance instructions
  • Tech support
  • Reviews (41)



Known for its exceptional performance, the Caddy Advanced is a furnace that’s innovative design (patent pending) is surpassed only by its simplicity of use.


The self-regulated combustion of the Caddy Advanced promises constant heat, while requiring minimal effort on your part; just fill the furnace, adjust the temperature and enjoy the heat for hours! The system automatically adjusts the air supply so that combustion is optimized and synchronized with the thermostatic demand.

  • At start-up, the furnace injects additional combustion air for easy and quick ignition.
  • As the furnace goes into heating mode, it automatically adjusts the combustion air supply and the operation of the convection blower. When your home’s desired temperature is reached (thermostat setting), the furnace goes into energy saving mode, automatically reducing the combustion air and speed of the convection blower.
  • At the end of the combustion cycle, if the furnace needs to go back to heating mode (thermostat setting), additional combustion air is injected again to activate the combustion of the embers thus providing a hotter burn on the end of the combustion cycle.


Use the Caddy Advanced with confidence thanks to its intuitive operation and illustrated quick user guide. Equipped with a glass door allowing you to easily monitor the state of combustion, the furnace optimizes its combustion cycle: you will spend much less time taking care of it vs a conventional furnace (loading wood, adjusting the air, etc.). This optimization also ensures you substantial savings in firewood as well as increased comfort thanks to the production of constant heat throughout the combustion cycle.


Among the most efficient furnaces in terms of energy distribution, the Caddy Advanced has one of the lowest minimum burn rates in the industry. This means a load of wood burns longer, and therefore reduces the frequency of wood loading. Emissions on this unit are amongst the cleanest of the few EPA 2020 certified furnaces, and yet the Caddy Advanced is among the most energy efficient on the market. In addition, the new ECM motor blower option consumes 40% less electricity (and much quieter) than a standard PSC motor blower.


The Caddy Advanced is equipped with pre-wired electrical components that allow for simplified and intuitive connection. For more flexibility, you can install the filter supports on either sides and on top of the blower box to adapt the layout of the ventilation ducts to your space. In addition, the add-on configuration allows you to install the Caddy Advanced with your existing electric, oil or gas central heating system to take advantage of an alternative energy source.

The Caddy Advanced includes a tool set and wall support, an ash lip, a thermostat, a moisture reader, a barometric damper and a fresh air intake adapter.


Always have an alternate source of heat to ensure the comfort and safety of your family. The Caddy Advanced comes in two different configurations: wood-only and wood add-on furnace.

When installed as an add-on furnace, only a series configuration is approved for Canada. In the United States, both series and parallel configuration are permitted.



This furnace can be installed as a wood-only unit. Blower box with regular or ECM motor is required for this configuration.

Wood Add-on

If you’ve already got an oil, gas, or electric central heating system but want to add the flexibility of wood, the Caddy Advanced wood add-on furnace is for you. This unit, which installs on either side of your existing system, uses the same controls and fan as your existing furnace, giving you a fully compatible wood+oil, wood+gas, or wood+electric combo system.

100% of the first 4 product owners who have registered their warranty are satisfied with this product.


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Genuinely life changing wood furnace!  100%
Gentlemen, now that we have properly cold weather, I can tell you that the Caddy Advanced is absolutely genius. We are getting 12 hour burns, using all of the heat from the coal bed, and keeping the house in the low 70s without big temperature swings. Since 9 am this morning when I lit the fire, I've only opened it once to rake the coals over the ash grill.

12 hours of even heat on a bitterly cold, windy day and I only touched the furnace once . . . For people who heat with wood, this is genuinely life changing!

Jeremy – Maine, United State


Required components

A - Wood Wood


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From USD $1,500.00 MSRP


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From USD $1,250.00 MSRP

D - Wood Add-on - Series configuration


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From USD $175.00 MSRP



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From USD $200.00 MSRP


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Appliance performance (2)

Fuel type Dry cordwood (16" recommended)
Recommended heating area-ft² () 1,000 - 2,500
Overall firebox volume-ft³ 3.6
Maximum burn time () 10 h
Maximum input capacity (dry cordwood) (3) 310,000 BTU
Overall heat output rate < (4) 19,354 BTU/h (5.6 kW) to 47,052 BTU/h (13.8 kW)
Average overall efficiency (min. to max.) (5) 76.6 % (HHV) (6) 82 % (LHV) (7)
Delivered heat output rate (min. to max.) (8) 13,297 BTU/h (3.9 kW) to 42,234 BTU/h (12.4 kW)
Average delivered efficiency (min. to max.) (9) 60.7 % (HHV) (6) 65 % (LHV) (7)
Optimum efficiency (10) 83.2 %
Optimum heat transfer efficiency (11) 81 %
Average particulate emissions rate (1) (12) 0.095 lb/mmBTU (0.041 g/MJ)
Average CO (13) 8.78 lb/mmBTU (3.78 g/MJ)
Average electrical power consumption (14) 220 W | 360 W

(1) Based on delivered heat output.

(2) Values are as measured per CSA B415.1-10, except for the recommended heating area, firebox volume, maximum burn time and maximum input capacity. Performances based on a fuel load prescribed by the standard at 10 lb/ft³ and with a moisture content between 18% and 28%.

(3) Input value at 10 lb/ft³ fuel loading density and dry energy value of 8,600 BTU/lb.

(4) Overall : Radiated and delivered heat together at 10 lb/ft³ fuel loading density over one total burn cycle.

(5) Efficiency based on radiated and delivered heat when allowing cycling from high to low burn to simulate thermostat demand.

(6) Higher Heating Value of the fuel.

(7) Lower Heating Value of the fuel.

(8) Delivered: Remotely provided to other rooms through ducting at 10 lb/ft³ fuel loading density over one total burn cycle.

(9) Efficiency based on delivered heat when allowing cycling from high to low burn to simulate thermostat demand. LHV % is based on manufacturer’s estimation.

(10) Optimum overall efficiency at a specific burn rate (LHV).

(11) The optimum heat transfer efficiency is for the low burn rate (using HHV) and represents the appliance’s ability to convert the energy contained in the wood logs into energy transferred to the room in the form of heat and does not take into account the chemical losses during combustion.

(12) This appliance is officially tested and certified by an independent agency.

(13) Carbon monoxyde.

(14) Unless stated otherwise, measures were taken directly at the main power source and include all electrical components present in the appliance.

General features

High-efficiency certified appliance Yes, EPA 2020 approved
Maximum log length 21"
Log positioning Loading over width and over depth
Chimney diameter 6"
Flue outlet diameter 6"
Type of chimney CAN/ULC S629, UL 103 HT (2100 °F)
Baffle type C-Cast or equivalent
Approved for a mobile home installation No
Shipping Weight 731 lb (332 kg)
Door type Single, glass with cast iron frame
Glass type Ceramic glass
Glass surface – dimensions (Width X Height) 12 1/2" X 10 1/8"
Blower (hp / speed / CFM) 1/3 / 1 / 875
Filter – dimensions (Width X Height X Depth) 14" X 25" X 1"
Overall dimension (Height) 41 3/4"
Overall dimension (Width) 28 3/4"
Overall dimension (Depth) 42 1/2"
Door opening – dimension (Height) 10"
Door opening - dimension (Width) 13 3/4"
Firebox – dimension (Height) 16 1/8''
Firebox – dimension (Width) 18 3/4''
Firebox – dimension (Depth) 21 1/4''
Steel thickness – body 3/16"
Steel thickness – top 1/4"
Easy-to-access ash drawer Yes
Air return plenum – dimension (Depth or Height) 15 3/4''
Air return plenum – dimension (Width) 24 3/4''
Hot air plenum – dimension (Depth or Height) 28 5/8''
Hot air plenum – dimension (Width) 24 1/2''
USA standard (emissions) EPA
Canadian Standard (emissions) CSA B415.1-10
USA standard (safety) UL 391
Canadian standard (safety) CSA B366.1
Tested and listed as per applicable standards By an accredited laboratory (CAN/USA)
Warranty Limited lifetime
Minimum clearances to combustibles*
(Data expressed in inches. 1 inch = 25.4 mm)
  Canada United-States
Clearance – back wall 24" 24"
Clearance – ducts <6'=6" ; >6'=1" <6'=6" ; >6'=1"
Clearance – top (measured from the platform on which the appliance is installed)** 67" 67"
Clearance – recommended for maintenance on option side 24" 24"
Clearance – front 48" 48"
Clearance - side wall 24" 24"
Clearance – opposite side wall 6" 6"
Clearance – minimum floor protection under the appliance 37 1/8"

* The information given on the certification label affixed to the appliance always overrides the information published in any other media (owner's manual, catalogues, flyers, magazines and/or web sites).

** Some appliances have been tested with a low ceiling. Before setting up your unit, refer to the installation manual.

Maintenance instructions

How do I reduce the amount of charcoal my heater produces?

Appliances that are EPA or CSAB415.1 certified tend to create larger coal beds due to their higher efficiency. This can be controlled by the way you burn your appliance. After an overnight burn, you may have a more significant coal bed. Simply rake the coal bed forward and add a smaller piece of wood on top. Burn the appliance on a higher setting (air control fully open). This will pull more primary air into the firebox and will increase draft. The coal bed will burn down with the log. You may have to repeat this operation a couple of times before the coals are reduced. You are then ready to load your appliance with a larger fuel load.

Tech support

Do I need an EPA certified or CSAB415.1-10 certified heater?

You first have to identify what your needs are. If you are looking for ambiance, a temporary heat source in a cottage or a camp, or a simple back-up heat source in case of power failure, you do not necessarily need to invest more money in order to buy an EPA or CSAB415.1-10 certified wood heater. However, if your goal is to heat on a regular basis, the extra dollars will prove to be a good investment. Furthermore, it must be noted that certified heaters release up to 90% less particles into the atmosphere, which makes wood a renewable and clean source of heat. As a result, if the style and size of the heater you are looking for is available in a certified version, it is highly recommended that you invest in this advanced combustion technology. You will help the environment and reduce your wood consumption by up to 30%.

NOTE: If you live in the United Sates, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick or Newfoundland, EPA certified wood heaters are mandatory. Exceptions apply for certain categories of products, such as decorative fireplaces. Certain municipalities may also have by-laws that require the installation of an EPA or CSAB415.1-10 wood heater, even though the province does not have an official regulation on wood heating. It must also be noted that in Canada, the CSAB415.1-10 Standard is equivalent to the EPA Standard. A wood heater that meets this Standard will generally comply with the regulation in place.

Why is the efficiency as per the EPA’s test data smaller than the publicized optimum efficiency?

EPA refers to the CSAB415.1-10 standard for the calculation of the appliance’s efficiency. The efficiency reported as per EPA’s directives consists of an average between four different burn rates, ranging from the lowest burn rate (air intake completely closed) to the highest burn rate (air intake completely open). The optimum efficiency that we publicize is the efficiency obtained according to the same test data, but for the low burn rate only. This efficiency is more realistic for a majority of users whose heating needs require that the unit be used to maximize burn times.

Why is the BTU according to EPA test data smaller than the one advertised?


You will notice a difference between the BTU output as per the EPA’s test data and what is advertised on our web site and/or product literature. The maximum BTU output we advertise is what will be obtained with a full load of seasoned cordwood inserted inside the firebox. The EPA output, on the other hand, is what has been obtained during emissions testing. The EPA test procedure requires that a special type of wood is used and positioned inside the firebox in a manner that does not represent the way the firebox volume would normally be utilized using seasoned cordwood. The EPA test load is typically much smaller. Hence, the BTU as per the EPA’s test data is reduced. The BTU output that should be considered by a normal user is the one we advertise for seasoned cordwood.


Can I install an EPA or CSAB415.1-10 certified heater on an 8-inch chimney?

EPA or CSAB415.1-10 certified heaters function best on a 6-inch chimney (interior diameter). The problem with an 8-inch chimney is that the appliance may struggle to heat-up the air volume contained inside the chimney. A hot chimney is required to create enough draft. Poor draft will inevitably lead to poor combustion, which will cause smoke roll backs, a dirty glass, lack of heat, and a large quantity of unburned fuel inside the firebox. It is therefore highly recommended installing a 6-inch liner inside the 8-inch chimney. This liner may be rigid or flexible.

Is it recommended to keep the wood furnace's blower running continuously during winter in order to maintain a more even temperature throughout the house?

Indeed, installers often recommend this practice for oil, gas or electric central heating systems. However, it is definitely not recommended for a solid fuel fired furnace.

The heat generated by the wood furnace differs from other combustibles. As the wood load burns, the temperature varies lots based on the different stages of combustion. The temperature of the combustion gases must remain above the condensation point at all times in order to avoid the formation of creosote. The fan limit control will turn the blower off before the gases’ temperature drops under the condensation point.

In the case of a high efficiency furnace, stopping the blower will also help in keeping the firebox temperatures high enough for secondary combustion to take place. This is essential if you wish to have a clean burn and maximize the appliance’s efficiency.

Where on the hot air plenum of my wood furnace can I install the fan limit control?

The cold air forced through the furnace by the blower circulates around the firebox and is deflected towards the heat exchangers in order to transfer as much heat as possible. The hot air will then be distributed throughout the house.

The temperature inside the plenum will vary a lot from one spot to the other when the blower is running. The fan limit settings are determined in our factory such that the blower turns on when the temperature is sufficient to obtain the best heating efficiency and to turn off before the combustion gases cool down to the point where they could condense.

The proper position of the fan limit control is mentioned in all our manuals. The position of the fan limit control is of prime importance to insure the proper performance of the furnace.

Can I use my wood furnace during a power failure?

A wood furnace can be used in the case of a power failure without risking damaging the unit. The conception of the wood furnace is very similar to that of a wood stove. It is tested to withstand the intense heat of a wood fire, even if the distribution blower is not functioning due to the absence of electric current. The furnace’s efficiency will however be greatly reduced. Hot air will rise by gravity into the ductwork, but it will not be pushed into the rooms in an effective manner. In most installations, hot air circulating by gravity into the ductwork will be sufficient to keep the house warm enough to live in.

Should we install a barometric damper (draft regulator) on the exhaust pipe of a wood furnace?

In the case of older, conventional furnaces, the flame can easily reach the heat exchangers. When the installation or draft adjustment is inadequate, this tends to favor creosote build-up, which can be set on fire. Therefore, we recommend the installation of a barometric damper on this type of wood furnace.

For high efficiency furnaces (Mini-Caddy, Caddy, Max Caddy), the secondary combustion ensures that creosote is usually not a problem. The configuration of the firebox is such that the flame cannot travel to the heat exchangers. We do not supply any barometric damper with the furnaces for these reasons. However, a barometric damper is recommended in the case of excessive draft. Excessive draft occurs when combustion cannot be slowed down by closing the primary air inlet.

What will happen if there is a power outage and my wood furnace is in the middle of a combustion cycle?

It is important to note that the safety standard requires the simulation of a power outage and that the clearances stated on the unit’s certification plate reflect this abnormal situation.

A wood furnace can be used temporarily without electricity, taking into account the following guidelines:
#1- Remove the access panel to the fan in order to favor a natural circulation through the hot air distribution ducts.
#2- Manually position the air control plate slightly open (max 1/16"). An opening of only 1/8" is equivalent to a high intensity fire. Frequent monitoring is recommended to ensure that the furnace temperature is under control.
#3- Do not use more than 50% of the firebox volume. It is best to use a smaller amount of wood and reload more frequently to avoid the risk of overheating.

Why does the electric unit overheat and trigger the manual reset thermodisc.

Possible causes are the following:
  1. The air filters are clogged or very dirty.
  2. The blower does not start (the first sequencer does not close or the motor is defective).
  3. The cold air return volume is not sufficient.
  4. There is excessive static pressure (the distribution duct is too small or there are not enough outlets).
  5. The heat sensor is defective (rare).
  6. The insulation between the cold air return cabinet and the air distribution cabinet is cut too short and restricts or diverts the air flow at the exit of the electric element, thus creating artificial overheat (rare).

Why can’t my Max Caddy heat my house when my old 150,000 BTU oil furnace could do it without any problem?

An oil-fired furnace will reach its maximum heat output within minutes of start-up and keep that pace as long as there is a call for heat. A wood furnace will generate its maximum heat output only at the peak of the combustion cycle. Before that, it needs to build a momentum. Then, the heat output will slowly diminish as the wood load gets consumed.

The performance of the wood furnace will also be affected by the quality of the combustible, which is not as constant and predictable as heating oil. It will vary a lot depending on the density and moisture content. Numerous other factors may also affect the performance of the furnace, such as a poor chimney draft, dirty heat exchangers, low static pressure, etc.

Can the Caddy add-on be installed with an existing propane or natural gas furnace?

The certification allows the installation with the two types of gas. Therefore, the Caddy add-on may be hooked-up with either a propane or natural gas furnace, provided that the gas unit’s output power does not exceed 35.17 kW (120,000 BTU/h).

Is it possible to reduce the fan speed of my PSG furnace to reduce the noise level?

Except for the Max Caddy and the Caddy Alterna, the blower motor on your furnace has four speeds and the installer will have to select two, that is one speed for continuous air circulation during the summer months (low) and one speed for heating. The latter will be selected in accordance with the ducts design and the air distribution needs (normally med-low or med-high).

Electrically speaking, the circulation and heating speeds may be the same if you connect both the black and red wires on the same terminal. You should however take note that reducing the heating speed will reduce the heat exchange and the furnace’s temperature will increase accordingly, which could cause the furnace to overheat.

Should you choose to reduce the blower speed, be certain that the primary air intake damper closes completely when the thermostat is not calling for heat so that in the case of an overheat, the damper motor being deactivated, the furnace will go into slow combustion and the blower will be capable of cooling it down.

Less air flow through the electric unit of a wood/electric combination furnace could also increase the risk that the overheat protection on the unit will trip. This is especially true if the air filter is dirty. This situation will leave you with no electric heat until the sensor is manually reset.

How do I determine what furnace I need between the Mini-Caddy, Caddy and Max Caddy?

We have a “rule of thumb” that is not scientific, but that can give you a good idea on what PSG product you need to install in your house.

We assume that the house has an average insulation, quality windows and doors and 8 foot ceilings, with a location in an area where winter temperatures are comparable to most Canadian areas. We do not count the basement. Start by calculating the area of the main floor and add 50% of the area of a second floor when applicable. If you do not exceed 1,000 square feet, the Mini-Caddy is adequate. Up to 1,700 square feet, a Caddy installed and operated as recommended should satisfy your heating needs. Above 1,700 square feet and up to 3,000 sq. feet, the Max Caddy should be used.

Of course, nothing can replace a heat loss calculation conducted by a forced air heating professional to determine your exact heating needs and verify your existing ducting for compatibility.

Can I add an air conditioning unit to my PSG wood-heating system?

It is possible to use the furnace blower and duct system to install an air conditioning coil. A good control technician can easily connect it without interfering with the safe operation of the furnace. It is prohibited to install the air conditioning coil in the cold air return. The condensation produced will make the firebox rust.
In the case of a wood furnace, we recommend installing the AC coil downstream of the furnace, in a by-pass duct equipped with a damper that can be closed during winter to protect the AC coil from direct radiation of the furnace. In the case of a power failure, the distribution blower would cease working, which could cause excessive temperatures in the plenum that could cause the plastic pan of the AC coil to melt. In the case of a pellet furnace, the AC coil can go directly into the hot air plenum, provided that the plastic pan of the AC coil resists to at least 400 °F. A power outage would cause the pellet feed to stop, which would prevent an overheating of the hot air plenum.

My furnace is a wood electric combo. Is it possible to burn wood and run the fan with a generator in case of a power failure?

First, please note that your PSG furnace, if installed in accordance with the clearances, may be operated without the blower during a power outage, if authorized and mentioned in the manual. In such a case, it is recommended to open the blower access panel to help circulate hot air in the ducts by gravity. You also need to heat moderately. Note that the air intake damper motor will not work without power. It will need to be operated manually. It is possible to feed the blower with a generator, but you must make sure that the power from the house’s electrical panel is cut off to prevent conflict when the power is restored. This can be done automatically with the use of a suitable relay.


Scott Riddle - 2025-01-02   

David Bausch - 2024-12-25   

Great furnace! The quality of construction is very good. It's a beautiful unit. It was quite an upgrade from my previous furnace, which wasn't even an old EPA furnace. This will take getting used to. The firebox is smaller than my old unit, and the smart controls aren't totally fool-proof. sometimes the blower activates even when there is no call for heat. But customer service is great and I'm confident that I'll get any issues resolved. I hope this furnace gives me decades of great service!

Lee Bowman - 2024-11-29   

Jason Fletcher - 2024-11-21   

Very pleased so far. Wood lasts many hours. Burns down to a fine ash. Very little smoke from the chimney. House stays warm.

Jonathan Goulet - 2024-10-05   

Clement Binette - 2024-10-03   

Rich Linzmeier - 2024-09-24   

Pat and Carl Bowron - 2024-09-03   

Jessica Gagnon TEST SBI - ANNULER - 2024-07-03   

Jessica Gagnon TEST SBI - ANNULER - 2024-07-03   

James Meidam - 2024-03-22   

Brian Séguin - 2024-03-13   

Mathias & Ruth Kunzle - 2024-01-21   

We like the caddy advanced very much. It's very efficient and works great to heat our 2000 square feet house. Very happy with our purchase.

Ed Noland - 2024-01-18   

Randy Oldenberg - 2023-12-29   

Brian Beitz - 2023-11-30   

Works great

Michael McBride - 2023-11-23   

I am very pleased with the unit so far. Easy to light and easy to use once the fire is going. I would recommend the Caddy Advanced to anyone looking for a wood furnace.

Samuel Gaudreault - 2023-11-01   

Robert Bisinger - 2023-10-07   

Brad Davies - 2023-09-15   

Kevin Cummings - 2023-09-14   

Je suis passé d'une vieille caddy première génération des années 90 à la caddy advanced. C'est le jour et la nuit. Auparavant, je devais mettre du bois au 3 heures et je n'avais plus de braise. Maintenant après plus de 8h il y a beaucoup de braise et c'est très simple à maintenir. Je suis passé de 14 cordes et 10 cordes de bois pour chauffer une vieille maison et la température est beaucoup plus stable. Ma cheminée ne s'encrasse plus, il y a que de petit dépot léger à nettoyer. Je suis très satisfait.

Johnny Plourde - 2023-08-20   

Très satisfait du produit j'avais besoin d'une fournaise performante avec une dimension minimal sur la hauteur et qui devait respecter le dégagement mon plafond de mon sous-sol. J'ai trouvé la Caddy advanced. Merci!!

Cody Kaplanek - 2023-07-21   

Laurie Simonis - 2023-03-27   

Jim Mathis - 2023-02-24   

Alexandre Bilodeau - 2023-01-25   

Nous recommandons Caddy.

Randy Lindenschmidt - 2023-01-24   

Kay Workman - 2023-01-11   

Jlm Mathis - 2023-01-09   

01-09-2023 So far my wood caddy add on furnace is working great. Keeps heat in home at desired tempture all the time.

Tim Hartman - 2022-12-03   

We purchased the furnace in April but didn't have it installed until October 26/2022

RONALD collister - 2022-11-23   

Patti Moore - 2022-11-07   

so far the unit is working great. We have have used it in the evenings to take the chill out and holds us over til morning. The cold that is to come will be the true test. We feel it is going to save us on wood and money in the long run. Very satisfied. Thank you.

Gary Reschke - 2022-10-28   

Ed Mills - 2022-10-12   

Wendy Weagle - 2022-09-15   

Joe Stojak - 2022-06-29   

Mike Morrison - 2022-06-22   

I have not run the furnace yet.

Rory or Jenny Jirovec - 2022-04-04   

Jamie Lenzner - 2022-03-29   

Perry Werner - 2022-03-22   

Shawn Stubbe - 2022-02-24